Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pool Time

We have spent a lot of time in the pool this summer already. It does not matter whether it is our neighborhood pool, Savannah Quarters or NeeNee and Poppa's Sarah has a blast! She is quite a little fish and is not afraid. Her swim vest thing has allowed her to be very independant and she has quickly learned to kick her feet to get around. If she would just add moving her arms as well she would be totally swimming. Much to Poppa's pleasure, Sarah jumps off the diving board without hesitation and even went down the water slide at Savannah Quarters by herself yesterday (I will have to video that next time)! We are having a fantastic summer! Birthday #2 is just around the corner! Enjoy the video.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ready for a bike ride?

Often Sarah prefers to have nothing on but her diaper and...cowboy boots?!?!?


It was another beautiful day in Savannah. Gary was not working and I was not traveling so we took Sarah to the pool for a bit. She had a blast and is not all afraid of the water, even when she accidently goes completely under. She was very upset when it was to leave! I think we have a little fish on our hands.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We had a wonderful Easter this year. Sarah got into all of the traditions. She dyed eggs, hunted eggs, got a basket full of Dora eggs from the Easter bunny and swam in NeeNee and Poppa's pool. The weather and company was perfect!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Addison's Birthday Party at Norwood Stables

We recently attended Addison Grayson's 3rd birthday party at Norwood Stables. As you can see from the pictures, Sarah had a wonderful time riding the pony and chasing the bunnies! What a great place for a birthday party! Thanks, Addison - We had a blast.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Sarah is growing so fast. She is VERY busy. She is also very verbal. She knows all of the kids in her class by name. She pretty much will try and say anything. She LOVES Dora the Explorer and is interactive with show. She is starting to become a little independent and likes to say "I do it". She has quite the personality! This is probably no surprise to anyone but I have already had two different teachers at her school tell me that she is a tomboy. I wonder where she gets that from?!?!