Monday, June 21, 2010

Play Time

Here are a few pictures from the weekend!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

11 Months Old!

That's right! Sarah Kate is 11 months old today! It is hard to believe it has almost been a year! She is VERY busy exploring her world. She is so much fun but will wear you out! We have visited the pool a few times and she loves it of course. We went to the beach this past weekend and she enjoyed playing in the sand and water. She even managed to "taste" a little sand. She continues to call all dogs Izzy but we are working on her saying Ali. Sarah can also say "baby" and uses this to describe a picture collage that my mom has of Sarah hanging on her wall. Sarah will point to it and say "baby". So sweet! She is not showing signs of being ready to walk anytime time soon but we have seen her stand on her on her own without holding on to anything or anyone a few times. We are definitely not rushing her to walk at this point as she is tough enough to keep with now.