Saturday, January 9, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Sarah and I started swimming lessons last Saturday. Since she loves bath time, I figured I would expose her to the pool ASAP. As I hoped, she loves it. However, you wouldn't know it from her facial expressions. This usually full of smiles girl is all business in the pool. In addition to being very distracted/nosey about what is going on around her, she is straight faced while practicing her skills. She is learning to kick her feet, hold her breath under water and float on her back. Obviously she cannot do any of this on her own but we are working on it together and doing great!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st Haircut

Sarah got her first haircut today! Not to worry, just a trim of the bangs, we left the back alone. It was falling in her eyes so we had to do something. Much to NeeNee's dismay, the bow just will not stay in and hold her hair back. As you can see from the pictures, she did great!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Grandpa has been intiated!

Mom and I ran a quick errand yesterday afternoon and left Sarah with my dad. He has watched her by himself before so this was no big deal. When we returned we found Grandpa standing up, holding Sarah wrapped in a blanket. This is not uncommon so we thought nothing of it. After further investigation, we found out that Sarah was actually wrapped in a blanket and had on only a diaper. The reason why? While we were gone, Sarah had a diaper blowout and grandpa had to deal with it. Needless to say, there was poo everywhere. As Grandpa scrambled to clean up this crying baby, clean clothes were not within arms reach and he was unsure altogether where they were, so that is why she was in a diaper and blanket only. I will have to say, that Sarah was clean and the diaper was on correctly so Grandpa did a great job. Mom and I thought it was quite funny but he did not. Now that he has proven he CAN change a diaper, he will have to come up with new excuse for not doing it!