Monday, August 31, 2009

Play Time

Here are some cute pictures I recently took of Sarah on her play mat and snoozing on the couch. This is our last week of vacation together. I am trying to soak her up as it will be back to the grind for me and off to school for her! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

10 lbs - 8 Weeks

Mom and I took Sarah to the Pediatric office next door to mom's office and weighed Sarah. She is unofficially 10 lbs. I say unofficial because we did not get her naked to weigh. That explains why she is getting so heavy in her carrier! I guess breast milk is good, nutritious eats!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Out and About

Sarah and I are enjoying our last couple of "vacation" weeks together. I start back to work September 8th and it is off to daycare for her. Yesterday we visited the Nuns at St. Vincents so that they could get a peak at their future student (class of 2028, I think). Everybody oohed and awed over her, of course. Today, we are going to Nee-Nee's office for lunch since she will be gone for two weeks on her Alaskan cruise. We might even visit Ms. Christy and Ross. The day to day stuff is still going well. I am trying to start an evening routine of a walk around the neighborhood, followed by a relaxing bath before feeding and bed. Sarah seems to be enjoying both. Since I have not mentioned the dogs recently, they are both doing well and accepting Sarah as an inevitable part of the family. They do notice her and give her a little sniff every once in a while. They often follow me into her room when I am changing/dressing her.

Sarah and Sr. Pat at St. Vincent's

Sarah and Toby enjoying a mid-morning nap.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sleep and Smiles

Sarah Kate will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and she is growing so fast! Last night she slept 5 consecutive hours. If you have kids, you know this is a big deal. If you don't have kids, don't take for granted your uninterrupted sleep! I hope this is the beginning to sleeping through the night and not a fluke! Sarah is also starting to smile as a reaction to your smile. She is a little stingy with these smiles currently but I am confident they will be plentiful soon!
Gary started school full time this week in his pursuit of a teaching degree. He taking three history courses and one English. Sounds like a lot of reading and paper writing to me. I am so glad I can say, been there, done that!

I will be going back to work Tuesday, September 8th. I am both excited and sad about this. I am ready to get back to my job and customers but sad that I will not be with my girl all day. Traveling will be an even tougher one but I am not doing that for several more weeks still.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bikini Baby

This was the first thing that my mom (Nee Nee) purchased for Sarah Kate. So...since she was being cooperative and I am worried she is going to outgrow it, I put it on her and took some pictures. Too bad we weren't really getting ready for a trip to the beach. Next summer...

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Bottle and Sleeping in Her Crib

Sarah had her first bottle Wednesday night. She latched right on and sucked it down(maybe a little too fast), so I don't think bottle training will be a problem. I just need to pump more milk! Sarah also spent her first night in her room, in her crib which went very well for both her and us. She managed to sleep through one feeding which is a nice start. We have a video/audio camera set up so that we can hear and see her when she stirs since her room is on the opposite side of the house. Previously, Sarah was sleeping in our room in the cradle my Grandfather built when I was born. It has been slept in by me, my brother Michael, my three cousins: Ryan, Matthew and Andrew and now Sarah Kate.

Wednesday, Gary and I went to daycare orientation at Savannah Christian. Don't worry, we are just doing daycare there. Sarah will be a Catholic School girl like her Mommy. Sarah will be in Ms. Sharon's room with all new babies. In fact, my labor and delivery nurse Abby (who was awesome) delivered her baby boy, Noah, four days after Sarah was born and Noah and Sarah are going to be in the same room! I am definitely not looking forward to dropping her off for that first day of daycare but I know she will be in good hands and it will get easier.

Monday, August 3, 2009

1 Month Old - August 2, 2009

Wow, Sarah Kate is already one month old. I can't really say the time has flown by due to the sleep deprivation and sometimes fussiness, but it is amazing that she is already a month old. She is really changing and growing fast. We are transitioning from the newborn diapers to size 1 and the newborn clothes to the 0-3 month outfits. I unofficially weighed her at Mom's office this past Friday and she was 8lbs 12oz! I say unofficial because I did not take her clothes and diaper off. She is really starting to focus on people and will even follow you as you move. My dad especially had a fun time watching her do this. Below are some pictures from the past few days.