Tuesday, June 30, 2009

39 1/2 weeks...no baby yet!

Went to the Dr. yesterday and I am still only 1cm dilated, so I guess that means it could be another week...or any day now. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be any day now! The actual due date is this Friday but my Dr. is off this Friday - Sunday so hopefully she will come before or after the weekend! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

38 1/2 Weeks...Almost there!

We went to the Doctor on Monday and got great news...I am 1cm dilated so I am making progress towards having this baby. He feels confident that I should have her within the next 7 - 10 days! I am still feeling pretty good, just anxious. I have been spending a lot of time in the pool trying to stay cool since it is so hot! We are pretty sure we have everything together. Our hospital bag is packed, the car seat is installed, the room is ready, we purchased a video camera, we have enough diapers to get us through a few weeks - maybe...
So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we will keep you posted!

Monday, June 8, 2009

36 Weeks 3 Days, and the Indy Shower

Hey everyone, hope we are giving some good info on this blog. Jen and I went to her 36 week ultrasound this morning, everything is great, and she is doing awesome. She is not dialated at all so we are thinking maybe 3 more weeks.
We got a tremendous suprise, it was a baby shower in a box. This was from our friends in Indy and they are Ryan and Kathy B, Christian and Keri S, Ryan and Lynne R, Mike and Sara M, Justin and Tyla, McShea and F'n Stewy, Killa Kella, Ope Dog, Focker and Katie L, Bung and Linsay, and King Kong Mike Long. Thank you guys so much, all of the stuff is great and I know Baby Sarah Kate will love it.
Thank you also to Keri Shaw, and Aunt Kay and Claire for the recent showers that they hosted for us. Take care and talk to everyone soon. Enjoy the photo's of the "Baby Shower in a Box". It had to have been Kathy B, Lynne and Keri's idea.