Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Hey everyone! It has been a good Memorial Day weekend. We are in GA so no race day for us, but we did our thing down here and had a good time. Thanks to Christy and Gary and Jimmy and Kim for the great couples shower. We got some great gifts and it was awesome. It was great to see Karen "My Step-Mom" and Cortney with her friend Liz. We had a good time and they made it back to FL in good time. No rain here today, first day in quite some time. We had some fish last night with the Grayson's and had a wonderful time. Here are a few pics from the shower.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

33 1/2 Weeks...only 5 1/2 more to go(hopefully)

Here are some new pregnant Jen pics. Things are still going and progressing as scheduled. We have our first of 3 baby showers this weekend so we are looking forward to all the cool baby gear coming our way. I cannot believe that I have less than 6 weeks to go. I am getting more excited and nervous everyday. I feel like my belly is growing everyday and cannot possibly get any bigger although, my experienced friends assure me that it can and it will...ugh! I feel like she is running out of room in there and I now feel and sometimes see her every move. I am trying to swim twice a week to stay active as well as walk the dogs everyday, which they love. Enjoy the pics...good thing I am not embarrassed easily!