Friday, December 25, 2009

Sarah Kate's 1st Christmas

As you can imagine, Sarah is getting more presents than she knows what to do with and we are only half way through. Here are a few pictures. More to come...Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Check it out! Sarah has her two bottom front teeth breaking through!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

R.I.P. Savannah

Last week we lost a member or our family, Savannah. We think she suffered a stroke and we made the hard decision to put her down as we did not want her to suffer one bit. Gary brought her home from the Bahama's 8 years ago on a blackhawk helicopter and she has been one the best dogs ever. She is and will be dearly missed.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

5 Months Old - December 2, 2009

Wow! Sarah Kate is 5 months old and changing every day. She rolls over with ease and sleeps on her stomach. She sucks her thumb AND her toes! She is full of smiles and loves to share them. She is a great sleeper. She is learning to eat oatmeal cereal in addition to mommy's milk. She tries to pull herself up and can sit up with support. She coos and laughs and squeals and "talks". She is a very happy baby. She is enjoying school and has "moved up" to another room. All and all, life is good in Sarah Kate's world as well as ours.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

First Santa Visit

Mom and I were out and about Sunday and Santa was at Bass Pro Shops. He was a great Santa so we let Sarah have her first experience with him. She did great as you can see.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Talent

Well I haven't read about this "milestone" in any of my parenting books or pamphlets so I am assuming Sarah is way advanced with this one! Enjoy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Thank you to all of our Veteran's - past and present. Especially Daddy, Uncle Mike, Uncle Jim and Grandpa Gary. We appreciate your sacrifice and service so that we may enjoy our freedom!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

4 Months Old - November 2, 2009

Sarah Kate is now 4 months old. She is so much fun. She smiles and coos all the time. She rolls and scoots on the floor. It will not be long before she is crawling. As soon as she can figure it out, I fear she will be off. She sucks her thumb and sleeps on her belly. She is still sleeping through the night - thank goodness! She seems to be one of the favorites of her teachers at daycare. All in all, life is great.

Sarah's 1st Halloween

Sarah experienced her first Halloween this past Saturday. We attended a couple of gatherings Saturday evening but did not actually do any Trick or Treating. I resisted the urge to use her to get some candy. I borrowed the "Little Pumpkin" costume from Christy . I figured that I have many years of ahead of me of purchasing costumes that she will "just have to have" so I decided to wait one more year! Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Baptism - October 18, 2009

Fr. O'Brien Baptized Sarah last Sunday. We were fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends. Sarah cried the whole ceremony, except for when Father poured the water over her head. This is the part when most babies cry, but not Sarah. I think she thought it was bath time and calmed right down (she loves bath time). Once the water was done, she went back to crying! Uncle Mike and Aunt Catharine are also Sarah's Godparents. Because of Sarah's unhappiness during the ceremony, we didn't get many pictures. However, Jennifer Grayson has promised to get some pictures of Sarah in her dress at a later date and when she is in a better mood. Below are few that were taken by my Aunt Kay.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thumb Sucker! Oh No!

Well, to my dismay, Sarah has discovered her thumb! I have tried to encourage her from early on to suck on a pacifier. My thought is that I can take away the pacifier whereas the thumb I cannot. I went on my first business trip after her birth two weeks ago and while I was gone she found her thumb. I will have to admit, it is kinda cute right now but I hope it she does not become too attached to it because it will not be cute in a couple of years. For now, she still takes the pacifier as well so hopefully it will not stick!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3 Months Old

Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I am back to work full speed and Sarah has started daycare. She is doing great and so am I (believe it or not). Everytime I pick her up, Ms Sharon tells me that she is the best baby! I have to agree. She is getting so big and giving many smiles these days. I am actually sitting in the airport taking my first trip away from her. I know she is in great hands with Daddy and NeeNee and Grampa but I miss her already. This is a little tougher than dropping her at daycare. Luckily it is only a one night trip and I will be home tomorrow to love on her! Sarah is really doing great. She has started sleeping throught the night. I put her down around 10pm and she sleeps until around 7:30am. I still have to wake up and pump around 2am or 3am but I can get that done and back to bed in about 2o minutes. Here are a few pics. I will post video when I get back in town.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back to Work and 2 Month Check-Up

I started back to work last week. The first day I was really wishing I could just be a stay at home Mom but by the end of the week I was back in the groove and happy to be working. Sarah stayed home with me and was great and allowed me to get lots of work done. Friday we went to see Dr. Shelley for Sarah's two month check-up. She weighed 10lbs 14oz and was 23.25 inches long. Dr. Shelly said she looks and is doing great! He told us that we could add rice cereal to her diet and hopefully get her to sleep longer at night. We have added the cereal but so far she has not slept through the night. She is going without a middle of the night feeding but she still wakes up around 3 or 4 am and needs to be changed and put back down. Gary is being a trooper and taking on this responsibility while I pump! Hopefully she will turn the corner soon! Sarah was supposed to start daycare this past Monday but with her doing so well with me last week and all of the sickness going around I decided to keep her home. Tentatively I am planning to keep her with me next week as well but she has been refusing to nap in the afternoons this week so she might be starting daycare next week! We will see. I know she is eventually going to get sick, I just want to prolong it as much as I can. Below are some pictures I took of her last week.